
Located in the Gipuzkoa Province of the Spanish Basque country, in an area of outstanding natural beauty and surrounded by mountains, the Jesuit Sanctuary of Loyola is an essential visit for devotees of Saint Ignatius. Comprising of a huge shrine built around the Tower-House in which Iñigo de Loyola, the future St Ignatius was born in 1491, grew up and converted in 1521.


This Tower-House is Loyola’s heart, the ancestral home of the Oñaz and Loyola family, popularly known today as ‘the Holy House’. The Sanctuary is occupied by the circular basilica and this if flanked by two large wings and the central body at the back make the complex resemble a gigantic eagle of stone.

For more information about the Sanctuary and the life of St Ignatius please visit our friends at – www.santuariodeloyola.org.